Make Your Instagram Profile Credible

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  Make Your Instagram Profile Credible

 You must make your Instagram profile credible so your followers know who you are and what you do. After logging in to your Instagram account for the first time, you should focus on filling up your profile with correct information. You should: Upload a clear, attractive profile picture. It might be the same picture used on your blogging website.Write a concise bio detailing who you are and what you do in this Instagram profile. You can also link to your other Instagram handles and insert a link to your website.Check the privacy and sharing settings and make changes that fit you best. However, keep most things public for growing your Instagram blog. Instagram bio can be a maximum of 150 characters long. So you must put on your copywriting hat to describe succinctly why people should follow you.Screenshot 2023 04 06 at 9.40.12 PM Next, focus on getting some Instagram followers. Start by granting the social media app access to your contact so that people you know in real life can find your blog. Asking your friends directly to follow your Instagram blog is another option. You can also find and follow some Instagram bloggers with similar interests. Some of them may follow you back to return the favor.

Find a Niche and Explore Post Types

 In the beginning, bloggers often overlook the value of finding a niche. You shouldn’t do the same to be a success at Instagram blogging. You must spend time finding a niche for your blog. 

What are you good at? What value can you offer to your reader? How do you want to monetize your blog in the future?

 Asking and answering questions like these should lead you to find your subject. You can also derive it from your blogging purposes. Some popular Instagram blogging niches are: & FashionLifestylePhotographyTravelPet CareDigital Marketing Your niche can be specific, like Shoes, or something broad, like design. Feel free to choose from one of these niches or find some less-competitive ones. Merging different complementary niches or giving an established one a unique twist can also be helpful to stand out.
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